kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,

There is a November event that you shouldn’t miss : the H&M designer collaboration. And this year they are very strong with the Kenzo capsule collection for H&M.
Zebra patterns, flowers, colourful jackets and jungle t-shirts, everything is there to delight the fashionista hidden in every one of us.
This collection designed by the artistic directors of Kenzo, Carol Lim and Leon Humberto, remains faithful to the spirit of the Parisian house.
For my part, I wanted to show through this post that you’ll find pieces more easy to wear, like this leather jacket (my favourite of the men collection) and the sweet, also available in black which will surely be « the favourite » that everyone will want to have!
Also, jeans without zebra-print will be available for us men, like this one I wear in this article.
So let’s get up (very) early on the 3rd of November to queue in front of the H&M stores that have this collection, or online on the site of this Swedish brand to find Kenzo pieces of our choice which will probably become future collectors!

kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
Il y un événement en Novembre à ne pas louper, c’est la collaboration designer de H&M, et cette année encore ils ont fait fort avec la collection capsule de Kenzo pour H&M.
Motifs zébrés, fleurs, doudounes colorées et t-shirts jungle tout y est pour ravir le fashionista qui sommeille en chacun de nous.
Cette collection conçue par les directeurs artistiques de la maison Kenzo, Carol Lim et Humberto Leon, reste fidèle à l’esprit de la maison Parisienne.
Pour ma part, je voulais vous montrer par le biais de ce post que vous trouverez aussi des pièces plus passe-partout, comme cette veste en cuir (mon coup de coeur de la collection pour hommes) ainsi que ce sweet, aussi disponible en noir qui sera surement « la pièce » que tout le monde va s’arracher!
Aussi, des jeans sans motifs zébrés seront disponibles pour nous, les hommes, comme celui-ci que je porte dans cet article.
Donc, il ne nous reste plus qu’à nous lever (très) tôt le 3 novembre pour faire la queue dans les magasins H&M qui auront cette collection ou sur la boutique online de la firme Suédoise, afin de repartir avec les pièces Kenzo de notre choix  et qui deviendront surement de futurs collectors!
kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
kenzo, hm, kenzoxhm, swiss, fashion, men, blogger, blog, gay, men, style, look, jungle, parisian, carol lim, humberto leon, notanitboy,
Pictures by Romina Ch.
Kenzo x H&M – Sweat, Shirt, Jeans and Vest
Viu – Eyewear
Tod’s – Boots

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