ENG One sure thing, living in the city is crucial for me, I’m a real townsman and I like to have all at my fingertips. I’m not going to talk about all the advantages that I find to living in town but the pleasure that I have each time in a city when I found a piece of paradise. During our trip to Madrid my boyfriend and I had a lot of fun to juggle between city and nature. To give you a picture the “El Retiro » park is as I have said, one of the most beautiful park that…

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 ENG What happens when a Swiss fashion blogger like me arrive in Madrid? The answer is very simple, he runs to the “El Retiro” park matter of shoot a look at the Crystal Palace! This is exactly what I did during my last trip to Madrid, in fact my boyfriend and I we took first the opportunity to visit the park, which, by the way is really awesome and certainly one of the most beautiful parks that I had never seen before. After a nice walk in its beautiful gardens, we finally arrived in the palace, all made entirely of glass, and…

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FR « L’ART DE REUSSIR SA JOURNEE, C’EST DE MIEUX LA DEMARRER » Nescafé Dolce Gusto A l’occasion de ma collaboration avec Nescafé, je profite de partager un détail plus personnel que mes looks, mon addiction au café! À mon avis, il n’y a pas de secret pour bien démarrer sa journée… c’est d’avoir un bon café (en plus de ses heures de sommeil)! Première chose dès mon réveil, je me dirige, en mode pilotage automatique, vers ma Nescafé Dolce Gusto. Je met ma capsule “Cappuccino“ et regarde  couler ce nectar dans ma tasse favorite. C’est mon rituel matinal – sentir l’odeur de…

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ENG Already a week since I got back from Madrid, time flies!  I wanted to post a summary of these four days in the Spanish capital and share it with you. If you follow me on my social networks some pictures you will recognize if not, for the newcomers here’s a summary with details of my stay. Something sure, I felt in love with this city! FR Dèjà une semaine que je suis rentré de Madrid, que le temps passe vite! je voulais faire un post récapitulatif de ces quatre jours dans la Capital Espagnole et le partager avec vous. Si vous…

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ENG Before you talk about what I wear, I want to say thank you to follow me here or on my social networks (for instagram or Snapchat recall or find me under the same nickname Notanitboy). You are growing and your messages  and comments always make me very happy, unfortunately I’m a little head in the air and I long to answer you but as the saying goes; better late than never! I remember when I started this blog that I doubted it could be but thanks to you day after day it grows and continues to live. In short,…

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