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robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
How to wear beige pants? simple, with everything!
I already had the opportunity to show these pants on a previous post (here), but this time, I tried to wear them differently, I chose to put my sweater in.
For some, I’m looks like Steve Urkel but I think this look is really cool and with these Robert La Roche sunglasses I would say that my outfit is perfect. Anyway I love this look and that is the most important when we leaving the house, right? It was like that that day.
So, beige pants or not, feel free to try things when you dress, it’s also a way to reinvent your wardrobe.
Wear things in a way that you don’t do in normally, for example wearing a shirt unbuttoned, roll up your pants, remove the laces of your shoes, etc …

Comment porter des pantalons beige? très simple ils vont avec tout!
J’ai déjà eu l’occasion de vos montrer ces pantalons lors de précédents post (ici), mais cette fois j’ai essayé de les porter différemment, j’ai choisi de mettre mon pull dans le pantalon. Pour certains ça fait un peu Steve Urkel mais je trouve que ce look est super cool et avec ces lunettes de soleil Robert La Roche je dirais même que mon outfit est top. En tout cas j’adore ce look et c’est ce qui compte à l’heure de sortir de la maison, non?
Bref, pantalon beige ou pas, n’hésitez pas à essayer des choses lorsque vous vous habillez, c’est aussi une façon de réinventer votre garde robe.
Portez les choses d’une façon dont vous ne le faites pas en temps normal, par example porter une chemise déboutonnée, retrousser vos pantalons, enlever les lacets de vos baskets, etc…
robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
robertlaroche, notanitboy, hm, studiocollection, adidas, swiss, men, blogger, fashion, fashionblog, mode, masculin, men, look, ootd, styleblog, style, streetstyle, dinhvan, icewatch,
Pictures by Romina Ch.
H&M – Total look
Adidas – Sneakers
Robert La Roche – Sunglasses
Ice Watch – Watch
Dinh Van – Bracelet

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